Friday, December 16, 2005

Because I want people to tell me what they want for Christmas (so I don't have to rack my brain), I'm going to tell you what I want. Tit for tat.

Maltesers. No, really. I already got the Krispy Kremes so no need for exotic gastronomic delights. I'm just a Mary Jane.

Okay, seriously if you want to get something substantial, think of a cologne. I don't wear cologne, EDTs or whatever (I perpetually worry that I have BO or ratty bad breath, you better tell me if I have ok) so if you can find something that matches me, I'd be delighted.

Also, DVDs are welcome. No need for DVD boxsets but in general I keep missing a lot of movies (Constantine, Sin City come to mind) so I think you can't go wrong as long as you don't buy me a !@#$%^&*# B-grade movie like The Cave.

posted by Brian @ 12:07 PM


At December 21, 2005 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate christmas shopping!



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