Tuesday, August 01, 2006


mambo is more like mabok now
this frameless styleless piece of floppy seaweed
keeps injuring alison over and over and over
dont think she can take it anymore
words which the studio folks use to describe mr T come to mind
"lost in his own world"
"too blur"

not to mention all the gross sweating recently.

girlfriend spiting me over and over and over
dont know what on earth she wants from me
says she's pitifully miserable without me
then spites me when i'm not at her beck and call
what is it with women flaring up
and regretting it later
i give up

mother thinks i'm a useless unprepared piece of deadwood
can't even get the fucking visa applications done right
made her rush for the fucking money order
why why why she asks over and over and over
why can't you do it RIGHT?

things aren't supposed to go right in my life.
my life-long karmic retribution.

posted by Brian @ 10:37 AM


At August 06, 2006 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey chill man... that visa thing is a bitch, I had to get my dad running for the money order too the last time :P
Hope things get better.

At August 07, 2006 2:54 PM, Blogger SelSaysIt said...

Hey Brian, mambo can be a real bitch sometimes but don't stress out over it too much! And visa application can one one massive headache...been there too... Relax!


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