Golden & Silver Excesses

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The dark, dark powers of the _____

This thought has been brooding in my mind for the longest time. What IS it with these people, the _____? Why do they have so much power and money? Are they ruthless, unscrupulous and cunning all at once? Can they actually be that smart? Maybe they collectively signed a Faustian bargain with the devil?

They have the power to bend space and time. Miraculously produce a 4.0 GPA despite partying all friggin' day. Get access to apartments no mere undergrad can live in. Drive cars that I would probably have to sell my body AND soul for. People think I deserve to be called a devil worshipper, but these guys... these _____ are simply beyond human comprehension!

Simply put, where does all their damn money come from, and why do they seem so unstoppable at getting whatever the hell they want?

posted by Brian @ 7:37 AM 0 comments

Thursday, June 14, 2007

1. Identify core competencies - prioritize activities, tasks, and admin things to do. Shrink to the core of What Really Makes You Happy In Life. people. places. sport.

2. Eliminate layers inefficiencies and unnecessary costs - throw away old materials, sell away furniture, transfer car, clear the clutter, send emails, clear thrash, clean room.

3. Map out a strategic plan for emotional and intellectual personal growth. Be 'realistically ambitious'.

3. Develop an operational blueprint - emails, google calendar, books flights, correspondence, visa, housing. Need for opeational detail here.

4. Trust your Chief Operating Officer, ie, girlfriend. She knows you sometimes better you do.

5. Develop a Board of Trustees of Family and Friends. They give you direction, and provide a check and balance.

6. Discount yourself to any market rate, undervalue your capabilities, be humble.

7. Attempt to exit your life on an infinite multiple to when you first were born.

8. Execute, and succeed; or Procrastinate and Fail.

posted by Brian @ 7:07 AM 0 comments

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Keep your distance

It's the undercurrent of sensuality, the unexpressed longing that makes the experience electrifying. What we want isn't the end, but the means - the pleasure of approaching, of beginning that slow, purposeful march towards what we desire, but cannot eternally embrace...

Just like moths to a flame. Desiring to be one with the flame, we crowd around, but despair and death await those who caress the flame.

We dysfunctional beings cannot keep anything constant to save our own damn lives.

posted by Brian @ 4:26 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I break my silence to post just about the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while...

Also, in Maju Camp (6SIR - The Spartans)...
Recruit: Sahgent! Here why so siong wan?

posted by Brian @ 2:20 AM 0 comments

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fateless timing, that's what this all is.

Philosophy can arm me against the fear of my own death, but I can't protect myself from the fear of the death of others.

posted by Brian @ 5:58 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Message in a bottle

I need peace.

I need to be relieved of the devil inside.

How do I put a stop to this madness?

Is prayer to a God I am unfaithful to right?

Will the wretched human in me say that peace is not enough, years down the line?

Who knows.

posted by Brian @ 4:37 AM 0 comments

Friday, December 08, 2006

The First Circle

I'm lost in that limbo of time where in terms of hours I am 21 years old, but if I were to walk into a liquor store now I'd still be brushed off. Schisse.

It's exam season right now, my first paper is in 8 days... I have pretty much decided to suspend reality, and even if it's my birthday tomorrow, it isn't really registering in my head...

Once upon a time, I used to dream that someone would secretly plan a giant birthday party for me. But year after year I got disappointed, and birthdays slowly just became a day where I got something from mom and dad in the morning (in fact it wasn't something nice, it was an angpow... which went into my bank account and I never saw again), and after that it was just another day.

That changed one year ago - some real friends (you know who you are) actually took me out, gave me a little something to remember the good times by, and made that day more special than most.

I do not sit here and cry and bemoan that my heart aches to be home. No, I'm not really homesick. But I do simply remember in my heart that my friends are out there, and one day I'll be back with them letting the good times roll. Though right now I have to write off my 21st birthday as just another miserable winter day, the real celebration begins back home...

posted by Brian @ 5:28 AM 3 comments

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